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Click Here to grab your couponIn that moment, it was like everything I had ever worked for was just completely insignificant.
Nothing else mattered.
And I knew what I had to focus on now…
I had to prove them wrong.
Samson Athletics was named after Samson, the last judge of the Israelites.
“Why?” We hear you ask!
Well, if you don’t already know the story of Samson, then here it is...
There I was sitting in the doctor’s office
After a series of surgeries, months in bed and years of problems, I finally got a diagnosis…
The diagnosis was sh!t but it was far better than not knowing what was going on with my body.
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Samson had supernatural strength, he sacrificed everything to avenge his love and his people.
When the odds were stacked against him, Samson used his strength and power to overcome adversity…
Read Our Full Story Here