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About Us

Samson had supernatural strength, he sacrificed everything to avenge his love and his people. When the odds were stacked against him Samson used his strength and power to overcome adversity.

Samson Athletics was born in 2013 after a series of surgeries and months in bed. 
I knew strength training would not only aid my physical recovery, but also help mentally. Roll on 3 years later, a diagnosis of Crohn's disease, numerous procedures and regular Chemotherapy, strength training is there again to get me back to my old self.
Samson isn't about Instagram likes, or fucking skinny tea.  
We aren't about fast cars or claiming you don't use steroids when you do.  
Samson isn't about fake plates, teeth whitening kits or arse implants.
We are not the elite, we are not fast fashion.
Samson is about real strength, real people and real development.
“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength.”
― Marcus AureliusMeditations
Our products reflect this ethos, they are straight talking, hard wearing, training staples.  These aren't products made in china, shipped en-masse and sat waiting to be picked by a robot.  We design, print, photograph, pack and ship all of our gymwear ourselves, by hand from our warehouse in central bradford.
Our story isn't unique, most people don't have it easy, but we don't hear from those people.  We see the winners, we see the staged social media posts, we see the fucking highlight reel
This isn't real life.
Our goal is to promote the values of Stoicism and promote the people that utilise strength training in any of it's forms, to overcome life's true challenges.  
We look forward to sharing our athlete's and ambassadors stories with you all.
If you are an Athlete with a story of adversity, we would love to hear from you!